On the advice of friends I am starting this blog. The idea is to blog about life in our house...life with boys, a husband, a goofball dog and pregnancy. Who knows what will come of it but I hope to be an encouragement to someone...to help others find humor...to be a blessing.
Boys: Just to catch up, Noah had his tonsils and adenoids removed last Thursday and I have not had a decent nights sleep since. That's okay. Overall he is doing very well and we are looking forward to less sickness for this kid. He hates that he can't eat food. Told us he no longer likes ice cream, pudding or jello. He has found that macaroni, "it's soft mom", goes down easily and makes the world a better place for now. Anyway, the boys let me sleep in this morning! All the way until 8:45!! Can you believe it?
Pregnancy: 35 1/2 weeks- I swell so horribly with my pregnancies and since being released from bed rest, it has really gotten out of control. My feet have not returned to normal size in about 2 weeks. They hurt and my toes, at times, look like little smokies!
Dog: We got her a new chain for the yard that has the most narrow hook on it. I really think it's more narrow than the width of her collar. I can't get it undone today and she wouldn't go back out. She is stuck sitting about 3 feet inside the back door...where I've moved her food and water. Poor dog.
Husband: Is a wonderful support to me and father to the boys!
That catches you up, I think. There is still the rest of the afternoon and evening to get through today. Tomorrow's blog has such promising possibilities :)