Saturday, May 29, 2010

Can I work the camera next time please?

We went to the zoo on Thursday afternoon and Donny did the picture taking.

I loaded them onto the computer tonight....I would just like to know if I can do the picture taking next time?

Okay, so these aren't so bad.

But these??? Uh....

Babe....Seriously? EW!

Then he got these shots 

And let's face it. This one is awesome! Total action shot! Gotta love it!

This gorgeous beast was in with the seals and he was NOISY! The keeper told Donny and the boys that this peacock has never seen a female. They figure there is something about the rocks that makes him want to be all fancy :) And fancy he is.

But it was at one of my favorite spots he got a really cute shot.

We are planning to go back next week. We got there too late in the day to really enjoy the whole zoo. Maybe I can get a shot with the camera next time.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

So what's a month?

day one

1 week

2 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks = 1 month that's a month :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I believe God created us with emotions because he knew it would enhance our lives.
Whether you laugh, cry, scream, shout, giggle, writhe, love, dislike (I think you get the picture), we are using what God gave us.

As a woman who gave birth in the past month, I find my emotions run the spectrum. I am moved so strongly by things.
I can get crabby pretty easy...although, that may also be the lack of sleep. I can be made to laugh and smile very easily but I can also be moved to tears.

As you know, I thoroughly enjoy reading The Pioneer Woman- Ree Drummond. She has a photo assignment this week that has just brought so many emotions to me. I just wanted to share the link with you. Go and look at the beautiful submissions. Oh holy smokes! Have your tissues ready.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Last day

Tomorrow is the last day of school for Ty this year. I can't believe that He will be in Second Grade next fall!

Noah will be in Kindergarten!

On one hand I am really excited to have them both in school but on the other hand I can't figure out for the life of me where the time goes.

I was thinking today that when Colby is going into Kindergarten Ty will be going into 6th grade and Noah, 4th! When Colby turns 7 Noah will be turning 12 and  Ty will be turning 14!!

I know, I am really jumping ahead but time does go so fast that I will blink and they will be grown up!

Can I just freeze time for a bit?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Oh the things we find...

I have been working really hard on trying to pull things together for this yard sale venture I am pursuing tomorrow.

I have way too much stuff in this house. I don't think I've gotten everything together but I have enough for tomorrow.

Anyway, as I was going through boxes downstairs I found this box...a box that has a picture of a wind up carrousel horse on it. My thought was that this has to go.

I brought it up stairs and opened to make sure it wasn't broken and this is what I found in it
Yes friends! That's right! You are REALLY seeing this! The tickets to the NKOTB concert from 1990!
But that wasn't all. Nope. No way. Huh uh. There was more.
Yep. Tapes, trading cards and buttons. Not pictured are a few t-shirts and my Jordan Knight Doll.

I am not sure what to do with it all! What a blast from the past :)

Now you may go on with your life and laugh at my expense.

Go on.

I know you want to and it's okay. I will be doing the same!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Just bragging a bit :)

My nephew, Brock, is so talented :) I just wanted to share this with you.

This was his school's Idol contest and he got first place :) Isn't he cute!!

Just a few rhyme or reason to these thoughts...

Like a good blog?

I don't mean mine...I know mine isn't a "run home and log on to see what the Wilson's did today" kind of read.

No, for that you need to check out
A wonderful and enjoyable and fun read all the way around! She makes me lol every day! Check out her archives as well. And she is a WONDERFUL cook. Be sure to look at her recipes.

Also, don't forget that it's Help Whip Cancer Month!!!! Check out for all the great HWC items. When you purchase one of the pink items, PC donates to the American Cancer Society. Help out a great cause! Call, message, email me your HWC order!!!! GREAT products. Love the knife and bags. The martini glasses are super cute! And you don't have to drink to use them. Use them to serve a dessert or shrimp cocktail in...make your kids some yummy pink lemonade :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Just gotta tell!

I have really tried to not use my blog to advertise my business but this month is special!

In May, The Pampered Chef is all about HELP WHIP CANCER. We have special products only available this month that when you purchase them, a portion of your purchase goes to the American Cancer Society for awareness and early detection programs.
This is the link to the Pampered Chef's website. I do not currently have one but you can look here and then message me with your order.

My directors are also hosting a Quarter Auction on Monday, May 24 that you are invited to attend with me! Here is the info for that:!/event.php?eid=124918450868190&index=1

I am so excited to be a part of this company that cares so much about finding a cure. Join me in the fight!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Deadlines are good!

I have stuff....

Lots of stuff.......

And my house just isn't big enough for all my stuff. I want to get rid of it. I want to have a yard sale.

I decided last week to have one but only worked on getting things together on one day. So I set a deadline to have the sale on this Saturday. That way I HAVE to go through things and get them ready. I don't want piles, boxes, bags, etc sitting around the house any longer than necessary so Saturday is the day I'm shooting for!

Friday, May 14, 2010


Noah's program before pre-k graduation. The kids in his class sang On The March Again from the Hillsong Kids cd "Supernatural".

And then he graduated!!! He's very proud of himself :)

And the other first of May 12, 2010 was Colby's first bath!

Which he hated...isn't it just pitiful?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Where does the time go?

Almost 5 years ago Noah was born.

 This is him on his first birthday. He thoroughly enjoyed the cake :)

Up until 2 weeks ago he was my baby.

 Tomorrow he graduates from preschool! My brain is having a hard time wrapping itself around all that is happening!

I will have two kids in school in the fall...what?!?!?

Oh that Noah :)

We were on our way home tonight and Ty spotted the first visible star in the sky. Noah was unhappy that from his seat in the car he couldn't see it.

Ty and I proceeded to talk about the start. We discussed that a star is a ball of gas. He was shocked. He said that he thought it was just a white light and he wanted to know why it was a ball of gas. "Is it cause that is how Jesus made it?" :) Yep Ty, that's right. He wanted to know if a star is brighter than the sun...that was interesting. I asked him if he knew that the sun is a star. Noah quickly corrected me and said, "NO! No mom! The sun is a circle!!"

Well, I couldn't really argue with that.

Monday, May 10, 2010

And I did it again...

I try...I really do! I really wanted to post every day but sometimes I sit back and stare at this blank screen that I am supposed to type my new posts and I can't fathom that anything I write will be of any interest at all to anyone possibly reading it!

So what to write about today?



Before I go back to work I want to have a yard sale. Oh the work of putting one together stresses me out and I want to get rid of stuff in this house because I have WAY too much of it in my house. BUT, I feel like I am going through things to get rid of only to make  new piles of things that are going to sit around the house for a few days again!

Got any advice?




Ah well. Someone, anyone, message me every day and ask me what I did to get ready for the big sale that day! Help me stay on task!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A week? Really?

It's crazy to think that at this time last week I was being transferred from a Labor/Delivery room with my 3 1/2 hours old baby to a Mom and Baby suite at Anderson Hospital.

It's insane that my baby is already a week old! This week went by so fast and I am realizing how much faster life will seem to slip by while my 3 boys grow up.

Ty turned 7 just 2 days before Colby was born and is at his first baseball game of the season right now. No  more t-ball...NOPE! We are officially playing coach-pitch baseball.

Noah graduates from preschool next week and will start kindergarten in August.

Before I know it Colby will be crawling around and I will wonder where time went.

Through all this I am reminded that my life is going to be filled with busyness. It's going to be filled with "stuff" that I consider important. But I wonder how important that "stuff" is in the big picture of my life?
It makes me think that each day is a gift from my heavenly Father that I should be using to the fullest! I should be taking joy and pride in my family and friends. I should be taking every opportunity I have to love those around me and to share the love of Christ with all I come in contact with.

When asked which commandment is the most important, Jesus answered to love God and to love others.

I want to be the wife that I am supposed to love my husband unconditionally and be his helpmate through this life as he is mine. To walk aside each other in unity and submission to one another out of love and respect.

I want to be the  mom I'm called to be. I want to be all that God has ordained for me to be!! I need His help though. I am not too proud to say that I can't do it alone.

I want to be all that God desires me to be. I don't want time to slip by and one day ask myself what I did. I want to be able to say that I made the most of every day that I am given.

So, yeah, it's really been a week.

Noah-ism of the day

Noah to Donny, "Wouldn't it be awful if Colby were a girl?"

Sorry for not blogging consistently. I get blocked...

I have a favorite blog that I enjoy, She is a hoot! She says if you blog, do it every day. Even if it's taking pictures of your pantry and sharing why you have what you have or whatever about it, do something every day. So, I am going to try.

But tonight I am tired and Noah's quirky line will just have to do you :)