Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It may be a crazy life. But it's my life.

Hi. How are you?

I haven't blogged in a while. 

I like to blog. I WANT to blog. I just don't always know WHAT to blog.  

Ever had one of those days where you realized you haven't had the chance to talk to a friend, your mom, your sister or whoever in days? And so you call and end up talking about nothing in particular? Yeah, that's sort of how this feels. So, in the same way that I would call up my friend, I will share with you.

Cause, we are friends...right? Um, right? Whew!

Life has been crazy the past month! Church, family, church, family, church...this has been my revolving door. I love it, don't get me wrong. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am just learning to balance the new way of church in my life. 
All of my life I have attended church. And all of my adult life I have worked AND attended church. But being in a ministry position adds a whole new dynamic to the equation and balance is vital. 

Kids...oh kids...I am convinced I now understand why animals eat their young. Oh, I know some of you are thinking that I am horrible...and you may be right but you can not deny that you have thought something similar! I love them. I wouldn't really eat them...that's just nasty. I wouldn't even trade the little punks! I just have some questions.
Why can't my boys just pick up their room? Why can't they just focus for 5 minutes on reading a 
 book? Why can't they walk and not run? Why can't they understand that there is a time for an outside voice and in the car, church or during dinner time isn't one of them?
Toddlers...what a work out! Into everything. Climbing on everything. Learning something new every 5 minutes! Exciting and exhausting all at the same time.
Never a dull moment in a house with 3 boys. Two of whom are red heads.

Teenagers. Oh how I love teenagers. Now is the time you can say I am insane or crazy but I do much better with teenagers than, I think, any other age! It is my spiritual gift. Loving the unlovable.  
I read a quote earlier today from Rick Warren. 
 "Our society cannot teach our youth they're merely animals then be shocked when they act like it."
Wow! There is power there and it just might preach!

School. Although my school is not what many would consider traditional, it is still school. ISOM, is wonderful! Godly instructors, leadership and an environment that is so perfect for anyone at any level. I am eager to continue to learn how to better my ministry.

One thing that has been made so much more real to me in the past month is this: Jesus' return is nearer today than it has ever been and if we plan to make an impact on this world, it must start today. It must start right now. We can't afford to wait! What kind of a person am I if I know the answer to life, and keep it to myself?

I've blogged before about the power of music in my life. So, to close this long, breathy blog out, I will share a couple of songs that are so powerful in my life.
