Monday, February 25, 2013

Questions of faith

This life can be so hard at times. Things happen that we don't understand and we wonder "Why?" Why us? Why now? Why this?

One of my favorite books is called The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews. I have read it 3 times and it is highlighted and underlined and written in from each of the times I have read it. One of my favorite quotes from this book is, "Why me? Why not me? I will be prepared for something great." I have written about that before. But in my Bible reading today, it came back to mind.

Today I read about Abraham and the testing of his faith. I think that many of us have had times where we feel we are raked over the coals but I have to wonder how many of us can truly identify with Abraham (Genesis 20) when God told him to take his only son, the one promised by God and given in old age that would be the beginning of a line of descendants that was promised to change the world, and sacrifice him.

Here's the truth and some lessons to learn:

God WILL sometimes test His children's faith. This testing honors God's kingdom.

We can trust God to provide EVERYTHING that is NECESSARY to accomplish HIS plans and desires for our lives.

Sometimes He accomplishes His will in our lives by destroying OUR hopes and dreams so that HIS hopes and dreams FOR US can be fulfilled in an even greater way!

Once we've walked through the testing, God's encouragement and strength come flooding in and He brings us rewards for the perseverance.

True life comes through complete surrender to God and being willing to sacrifice whatever He requires.

(Here's the best part) The result of suffering through a test of faith is better understanding that the Lord is FULL of compassion and mercy!

Whatever fire you're walking through, don't begrudge it. Look at it as your refining process. Look at it as God's way of proving Himself faithful to you and your proving yourself committed to Him.

It makes me thing of the old Scott Kripayne song "Sometimes He Calms The Storm."
                Sometimes He calms the storm with a whisper "peace be still".
He can settle any sea. But it doesn't mean He will.
Sometimes He holds us close and let's the wind and waves go wild.
Sometimes He call calms the storm. And other times He calms His child.

Guess what...WE are His children! 

So rest in His grace, mercy and compassion. Breathe deep of His promises. Lay back against His chest as He holds you close and know that this storm will not last forever and your reward is on it's way.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


This month, I am studying Romans. God is just so good as to also lead my pastor in the same direction for his sermon series at the same time! Always cool when God overlaps the facets of our lives in such a way as to continually build us up.

I love Jesus. I love God. And I love the Holy Spirit.

They are so unique in the purposes for living an effective and fulfilling Christian life and, yet, at the same time, They are ONE. This concept is always a hard one for most of us to grasp. I am sure you have heard the egg or apple analogy. I have used the card the comes at Christmas time to your family to describe it. My favorite was a geologist explaining it in comparison to the parts of space. But in this study, the author puts into a list form, how each member of the Godhead participates in providing our salvation and I think this makes sense and helps! The reference is Romans 8:1-4 and the lists are:  
The Father: gave His Son in order to save us, since the Law (the requirements for right living found in the Old Testament, given prior to Jesus' death) is powerless to overcome sin (8:3; 2 Cor. 5:21). Those who put their trust in Him receive His righteousness and sin's control over them is broken. He also gives us His Spirit (8:4).
                            **Sin's control is broken!! That is shouting material, right there! I mean, does it get  any better than that? WOO!!

The Son: Came in human likeness--except He was without sin (8:3; John 1:14; Phil 2:8; Heb 4:15). He became a sin offering, turned aside God's wrath, set us free from sin and death, and became for us wisdom from God--that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption (1 Cor. 1:30).
**Set us free from sin and death! We are holy and righteous!
So unmerited. So free. So AMAZING!

The Holy Spirit: Unites us to Christ and His body (John 3:3, 5, 8: 1 Cor. 12:13). Through Christ's sacrifice, the Spirit sets us free from the law of sin and death (8:2) and enables us to fulfill the righteous requirements of the Law (8:4). The prophet Ezekiel foretold this (36:27)
**Again, here we are FREE! Not only free but given what we need
to obey the requirements of the Law!

They each play such a vital role in giving us the life-giving freedom of salvation and empowering us to live full and amazing lives.

The Trinity, God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit are who make my life worth living and gives me hope of a future beyond my physical death.