Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

As a kid, St. Patrick's Day was just a day to wear green and color leprechaun's and enjoy chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil while imagining a big pot of gold at the bottom of a rainbow somewhere in Ireland. Oh, and a man who drove snakes from the same country.

Last fall, I read a 30 Day Journal/Devotional called The Live Dead Journal. It changed my life and as a youth group, we are reading it now.

One of the days that touched my heart the most was about the three martyrdoms:red, green and white. The devotion was written by a missionary and was preface by John 12:24(NLT),
24 I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives.
The red martyrdom is, as I am sure you can tell, a total sacrifice of life for the sake of Jesus. 
The white martyrdom is the sacrifice to go anywhere the Lord may call you to be a witness in the unreached areas of the world.

Then there is the green martyrdom...Around 350 AD, a young Romanized English boy was stolen from his country. Irish pirates smuggled him into Ireland and made him a slave. Year later, Patrick escaped and through a process of time, returned to Ireland as a missionary. Some believe at this time he would have been in his early 70's! He gave the rest of his life to evangelize the Irish, understanding and loving them like no other.

By the time Patrick died, much of Ireland was Christian. Patrick and his team did such an exceptional job of preaching the gospel that Christians were sad they couldn't die for Jesus anymore! There were so many Christians that red martyrdom was not an issue. 

The story goes on from there. His legacy led to innovative methods that brought revival to the country. 

St. Patrick's Day is so much more than wearing green, kissing the Blarney Stone, having a drink or marching in a parade. This day is a rich day for the Christian world!  

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Fear of...

Reading in my text book about misconceptions of God- one is fear He will want you to do something you don't want to do..."The result of such fears is that we reject the excitement of God's nearness by keeping Him at arm's length. We avoid His embrace, choosing instead to communicate with God mainly so we can deliver our list of predictable prayer requests."

I have been struggling with feelings of inadequacy and a fear of failure or that I might disappoint my family, or worse, God.  I have been held back by these chains of fear for too long. And then I read this and God stopped me.

I mean...I can't even begin to count how many different people have made statements about me being in ministry as a mom, as a wife, as a woman. I don't think that the comments were necessarily meant the way they canme out but in so many ways, those comments have only fueled my feelings of inadequacy or failure. Reading this, I realize that I am not just holding myself back. I am holding God back from all He has for me and my family.

Wow! If you are not called into missions or ministry, please don't ask those of us who are why we would be a part of ministry when it can be so hard on the family. By choosing to be near Him enough to hear and respond to His call, we are fully giving Him our trust to provide, protect, bless, keep and sustain us and our spouses and children (if we are married). Sadly, I think too many reject the call because family and friends make them feel guilty about the call.

I am done feeling this way and am making a concerted effort to  living my life fully free from any chains! God has called me. He is equipping me. He is equipping my family for the work he has laid out for us to do and He will take care of every area of our lives.

I can't explain the weight that has been lifted from my heart and shoulders by just accepting the truth of trusting God.

I am so looking forward to what lies ahead!!

“But forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. (Isaiah 43:18, 19 NLT)