In 10 days I will be boarding a flight for my first missions trip. I am excited, anxious to serve and a little nervous. God has provided every thing I have possibly needed so far for this trip from the cost of actually going to supplies to my personal needs. His hand has been on this from the beginning and I know He has big things in store. That being said, not only do I know and believe that God is going to do a mighty work, but the enemy knows as well and he is on high alert and full force attacking our team.
The past two months or so, both the ladies and missionaries of our team and our families have encountered some form of opposition from the enemy as he attempts to thwart our focus and attention from the task we've been called to accomplish. Hell must be shaking and the demons must be shuttering!
A couple weeks ago, I decided that I was going to do a 21 day fast in battle and in preparation for the trip to get my head and heart in the right place. I don't think hell likes that I am doing this.
This week, I am drained. Exhausted. Worn out physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. I'm tired. I have had a hard time focusing and feel so scattered. I have prayed and I have prayed. I even asked God why my head and heart just don't seem to be "in the game."
So this morning, as I was listening to my daily Psalm reading, these verses rang out loud and I heard God clearly say to me, "I have you right where I want you. It is in your brokenness that I can fully use you and fill you. You've emptied yourself of everything and now I have something to work with. Don't be upset or feel discouraged! How you are right now is how I want you, how I need you."
Is there anything better that the words of scripture coming to life? Is there anything better than hearing the voice of your heavenly Father remind you of His plan? In the midst of my brokenness, He is there and He is at work and He is saying that I am enough.
CCLI Song # 7019974
Joel Houston | Jonas Myrin
© 2014 Hillsong Music Publishing (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)
Joel Houston | Jonas Myrin
© 2014 Hillsong Music Publishing (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)
For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights reserved.
CCLI License # 362101