Monday, March 7, 2011

I am a junkie

Hi. My name is Stacey and I am a junkie. Getting high with The Most High is my favorite past time.
So what happened? What happened to living from one fix to the next? Where did the unquenchable hunger for that high go?
Oh, sure, I could list excuse after excuse but the ultimate problem falls back to the one typing this right now. It's not pretty but the mirror can no longer be ignored. The intervention for my passion has begun. I'm being shown how my choices have effected my addiction.
What about you? Are you still getting the shakes when it's close to time for your next fix? What's the answer? Ah, the answer my friends, is found when we are standing so perfectly fine that we realize there is no longer a need for something to grip and we find ourselves grasping for something to replace it. But there is nothing that can give us that rush! There is no one who can satisfy our hunger. No. There is only one who can come in and totally wreck my life into a beautiful disaster.
God, I need You more today than ever before. Shake me from my slumber and light the fire that once burned bright and intense once again. Fill me with Your presence that I may be intone with You heart. Let Your light shine so brightly in me that others can't help but see You as they look at me. And may the words in my mouth be seasoned in love, mercy, grace & hope!

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