Sunday, December 12, 2010

Nativity #3-The finale of the the Nativity series.

Here it is folks. The final installment of the Wilson Nativity Story.

I do really like this one...okay so I said that about the last two but this one is so neat. It was a gift from my Aunt Nancy when Ty was a baby. I just love it!

"An Interactive Ki-Friendly Nativity" 
What GOD wants for Christmas is the name of this Nativity and is such a neat way to teach your child the true meaning of Christmas.

It comes with a book,Nativity back drop and boxes to open each day. The top of the page tells you which box to open. Each box contains a piece of the story.

Here are the boxes:

Days 1, 2 and 3. Gabriel, Mary and Joseph.

Days 4, 5 and 6. Jesus, Shepherd and King/Wise Man.

But the best box is the 7th box and is what God really wants!

No, not a camera, silly! It's a mirror because what God really wants is YOU!!!!!!

The book also gives tips and ideas for using this special Nativity.

And even a website that has reproducibles for your child, class, group to us to help make connections.

What GOD wants for Christmas- Maybe the best Nativity EVER!

13 days to go! only 6 until I start this with my kids.

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