Friday, April 16, 2010

Random thoughts

I was watching Noah ride his bike yesterday and thinking how cool it is that he can ride a two wheeler. It got me thinking about what led up to him wanting to learn.
You see, my boys like to tinker. Ty decided to take Noah's training wheels off of his bike last year so that he could teach him to ride a big boy bike. Noah was all for it.  The problem was that at first Noah wasn't ready. So since Ty took them off, he had to put them back on. It was a great learning experience.

But it was just a few weeks after this happened that Noah really wanted to try again. So Donny took them off and Noah learned.

Today, my wonderful husband put the baby's pack n play together. We really feel it won't be long and our remodeling projects haven't even been started. So we have to put this up in our current room so that Colby has somewhere to sleep when he comes home.
Noah really wanted to "help" today. He was really proud of the baby's bed and kept telling us where Colby will sleep and what part we will use to change his diapers. He helped me put the diapers and the wipes in the hanger that goes on the side.
Here is the finished product with the proud big (not the biggest, hee) brother.

Ah, one more little thing done. Isn't he cute?
And as for Ty. He told me that he wishes I could have the baby tomorrow. I told him that if that happens I may not be able to be at his party and asked him if that was okay with him. He told me yes and that they would bring me extra cake.  Isn't that sweet of him?

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