Thursday, April 8, 2010

Time is drawing near

It's hard to think that is was back in late August/early September that I realized I was pregnant with our 3rd child. Even though we had somewhat decided that it wouldn't be so bad to have another, I was actually shocked and slightly unnerved by the realization. Even today it's very surreal to me. I know, I know....this was a choice but still!!! I honestly figured I wouldn't get pregnant. I can't totally explain why but I really seriously figured it just wasn't going to happen. And I was perfectly fine with that. But, God had other plans and that's totally cool with me as well.

So here I am, 36 1/2 weeks pregnant. Swollen, elevate blood pressure, tired...and so NOT ready!! I mean, sure, physically I am beyond ready :) Just give me 3 more days to get past the 36 week mark and this little man can come any time. But as far as this house goes....dude...what are we doing?

We were supposed to have some plumbing fixed...a furnace installed...a bedroom built...the boys moved into their new room and the nursery ready. But I had to go all risky and start having contractions at 30 weeks and put on bed rest! Crud. That left Donny trying to take care of the boys, clean the house (God bless him he did the best he could...I think), cook, laundry, start a new job...and still get the room done...Yeah well, whatever.

Now the day is set for April 28th. I will be induced if I don't go into labor before then. My honest opinion,  the induction won't be necessary. I think it will happen in the next week and a half honestly.

Still, no new bedroom. The boys are still in the room we will using for the nursery. There is lots to be done. But isn't that usually the way things go?

I feel the need to go do some cleaning....

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